
Unfitted Fem Tutorial And More

I have recently added a step-by-step and commented unfitted Poisson FEM tutorial to Gridap.

This tutorial is intended to guide Gridap users willing to use the unfitted FEM machinery available at GridapEmbedded. Check it out!

Then, I thought I would take the occasion to briefly highlight some recent review presentations and preprints on unfitted FEM:

  • If you are not entirely familiar with FEM:

You can check

The slides of my talk Unfitted Finite Element Methods: Decoupling the mesh from the geometry at the Warwick Applied Maths Seminar last 25 Nov 2022.

Thanks again to the organisers for their kind invitation!

  • If you know a good deal about FEM:

I recommend you

The video recording of the Severo Ochoa Seminar Recent advances in unfitted finite element methods by Santiago Badia at CIMNE on 17/01/2023.

Santiago Badia is full professor at CIMNE and Monash University and Gridap co-creator!

  • But if what you really want is to get into the details:

Other than some references in my slides and Santi’s video, I strongly recommend you the recent preprint

Stability and conditioning of immersed finite element methods: analysis and remedies by F. de Prenter, C. Verhoosel, H. van Brummelen, M. Larson and S. Badia.

Hope this helps you discover unfitted finite element methods!
